Thursday, June 19, 2014


Do you ever feel the need to bake? I do. Sometimes the feeling gets so deep that all I can imagine doing is throwing caution to the wind and baking. Anything and everything. Cookies; brownies;  cakes and cupcakes. It's harder than I thought, baking with a baby. But now that I can start to time some of my peanuts naps I can bake.

Which means one thing....look out readers for new recipes that I am going to try.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mommy notes

Oh motherhood.  I have changed so much in such a short time. Yes I still love to read, bake , and knit. But I also love my son. And I have learned that things on the mommy are not as easy as things seem.

Take feeding my son. For example, Jeffrey is breastfed. He only gets milk from me. Who would have thought how I decided to feed him can cause so much controversy.

Then there are those who don't vaccinate.  You all already know how I feel about that.

There are also people who have issues with circumcision.  Really,  an issue with that. Who really cares.

Just some mommy notes.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Time to catch up


Sorry I have been absent but the past few weeks have been crazy. It started with a wedding reception in which I made some desserts for. I am very proud of my work since the cup cakes I made were 100% vegan.

Then it was just getting ready for June. I realized that on Tuesday June 3rd my baby turned 5 months and it was the one year anniversary of my husband and I sitting in the Dr's office finding out we were expecting.

Lastly, it is getting set for our two year wedding anniversary and my husband's first father's day.
I am not going to share what I got him just become well, I don't want him to know

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