Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ad space, & My life catch-up

My oh Myo,

It's Thursday, one more day until the week-end, where I'm going home to visit my mommy! (Yay) Since I most likely am not going to write until Sunday, this post is going to a long one. (Sorry)

Anyways,  I have now got a paypal account and with that, have finally set up a full on passion fruit ad  shop where if you want to sponsor me you can. In fact, here's my plan, you sponsor me, I sponsor you and I let you do a guest post. How does that sound? I think it sounds great. Anyways, please check it out and if you just want to do a button swap please email me and let me know.

Now one to catch up for my life story.

Day 13: Public apology

Let's see, a while back I wrote a post about "princesses" and how those types of girls suck. I went on to describe what some of them might do and listed examples from one such "princess" in this world that I know.  If you are new here (or newer than last summer) I deleted the said post. But I would like to issue a public apology for getting my anger out on the internet instead of being an adult and talking it over. BUT, I am not issuing an apology for one thing- and that is what I said about you hurting my mom and me not taking it. The truth is, I feel you should make a PUBLIC apology in front of EVERYONE an let them know how you have been MISTREATING my mother who have been nothing but nice to you.

I apologize for me being me, and not calling my friends as much as I should. I really procrastinate.

Day 14: 10 things that make you happy!

Let's see:

My Husband
My family
Reading books
Bubble baths
Cute animals

Day 15: Pictures of your day-
          Yeah-I forgot...sorry :( Also, I'm really bad at remembering to take pictures even when I do have a camera with me. 

Day 16: Something difficult in my life and how I'm working to over come it

    I guess, something difficult would be the cleaning of my place. I feel it is always a mess and that no matter how hard I work to clean, nothing ever gets done with it. I just don't know what to do about it. I try and it's clean for like 2 or 3 days, but then  I make dinner and am tired so my husband says go to bed, he will do the dishes, but I wake up and they are still there and dirty and then I work a really long shift and by the time I come home I want to go back to bed. UGH- so if you have any tips please, please, PLEASE let me know. 

and a picture just to lighten up the mood:


Linking up for Thursday Thoughts. 


Kristen said...

Yay for sponsors!!! When I get my ad space set up I'll totally sponsor you!

I love your apology! You tell them! I also love how chocolate is the first on your happy list lol. Totally would be mine too!!!

You and I have already discussed the messy issue. I find some days my fiance cleans when i ask and some days he's not into it. I find that if I keep pushing it he gets mad. I have a white board next to the door in my room and I write a list on what he has to do for the day. I tell him it doesnt have to be done right this instant but in the near future and usually it happens. Its kind of like giving him phrase.

Carly @ The Pinot Project said...

My husband does things like that and it makes me want to murder him!

Amie said...

I totally understand being tired and not wanting to clean. I just try to do a little at a time so I don't feel like it's so overwhelming. And that puppy is so cute, that saying is funny!

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