Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Night Fish

I haven't done a post about food in a while. I figured, since it is Lent, and Friday nights are fish night, why not go all out and make my own version of  a typical WI Friday night Fish Fry!

Since I believe in being as healthy as possible, plus I don't have a deep fryer, so I decided to bake my fish.  The first thing I did was season my fish. I soaked it in beer. (Any beer will do)

And seasonings. As well as a little bit of flour, mix them together and put them on your fish.

Make sure to grease the pan so it doesn't stick. Then bake the fish according to what type of fish you are making. I made tialpia, so it was in the oven 8-12 minutes at 350 degrees. 

While that is going one, work on your sides. I made steamed broccoli, French Fries and a simple salad.

(Homemade dressing- vinegar,lemon juice,and pepper)

Then cut up some lemon, put is all together on a plate, add a little tarter sauce and bam! 



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